How to Sing the Practical Sound of the Enigma By Alessio Tommasoli

 Works Cited

Delueze G, Guattari F, What is Philosophy?, translated by Tomlinson H, Burchill G, London; New York : Verso, 1994

Heidegger M, Nietzsche, Vol. 1: The Will to Power as Art, Vol. 2: The Eternal Recurrance of the Same, translated by Farrell Krell D, harperone, San Francisco, 1991

Nietzsche F.,The Birth of Tragedy, edited by Geuss R, Speirs R, Cambridge University Press, 1999.

Nietzsche F, Human, All Too Human, Translated by Hollingdale R J, Cambridge University Press, 1996Nietzsche F, The Gay Science, edited by Williams B, Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Nietzsche F, On the Advantage and Disadvantage of History for Life, Hackett Publishing, Indianapolis; Cambridge, 1980.

Nietzsche F, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Editor Del Caro A, Pippin R B, Cambridge University Press, 2006

Nietzsche F, The Will to Power, Translated by Kaufmann W, Hollingdale R J, Vintage Books, 1968

[1] Delueze G, Guattari F, What is Philosophy?, translated by Tomlinson H, Burchill G, London; New York : Verso, 1994

[2] It is a translation from Eudemos, a dialogue of Aristotle of which only fragments survive. Nietzsche F.,The Birth of Tragedy, edited by Geuss R, Speirs R, Cambridge University Press, 1999, p. 23.

[3] Ivi, p. 24.

[4] Ivi, p. 29.

[5] Ivi, p. 92

[6] Ivi, p. 44

[7] In this way, it seems possible to change the word ‘beauty’ with the word ‘truth’ in some passages of Human, All Too Human, for example in “The slow arrow of beauty”, Nietzsche F, Human, All Too Human, Translated by Hollingdale R J, Cambridge University Press, 1996, p. 81.

[8] Ivi, pp. 100 – 106

[9] Nietzsche F, On the Advantage and Disadvantage of History for Life, Hackett Publishing, Indianapolis; Cambridge, 1980.

[10] Nietzsche F, The Gay Science, edited by Williams B, Cambridge University Press, 2001.

[11] Ivi, p. 191.

[12] Nietzsche F, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Editor Del Caro A, Pippin R B, Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp. 124-127.

[13] Ivi, pp. 88 – 90.

[14] Ivi, §10 and §11, pp. 261-263.

[15] Ivi, pp. 16-17.

[16] Nietzsche F, The Gay Science, cited, p. 152.

[17] Nietzsche F, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, cited, p. 264 – 266

[18] Nietzsche F, The Will to Power, Translated by Kaufmann W, HOLLINGDALE R J, Vintage Books, 1968, p. 347

19 Heidegger M, Nietzsche, Vol. 1: The Will to Power as Art, Vol. 2: The Eternal Recurrance of the Same, translated by Farrell Krell D, harperone, San Francisco, 1991, p. 393

[20] Ivi, p. 55-58

[21] Ivi, p. 59-61

[22] In this sense, the Georges Bataille’s concept of ‘Dépense’ can offer a good clarification, because its example is the particular articulation of the ‘gift’ as the ‘potlac’, Bataille G, La Notion de Dépense, Nouvelles Editions Lignes, 2011

[23] Ivi, p. 59-65

[24] Ivi, p. 130-150

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